
荷蘭經典的豌豆湯,可是一道功夫菜呢!(©Cindy Liao攝影)
入冬天的歐洲,溫度降到零下冷呼呼的令人發寒,荷事生非想要介紹在寒冷冬天裡,荷蘭人最愛的一道冬天料理:荷蘭豌豆湯–de Erwtensoep!


讓湯匙在湯裡立正站好是一碗成功豌豆湯的條件。(©Olivia Dung攝影)
讓湯匙在湯裡立正站好是一碗成功豌豆湯的條件。(©Olivia Dung 攝影)
份量   4 人份(料理時間約 3 小時)
撥好的豌豆   300g
豬肩肉    400g
月桂葉    2 片
西洋芹葉子    1 小把(大約8根)
蔬菜湯塊    3 塊
芹菜根    200g(如果沒有可以直接以芹菜取代)
(軟)馬鈴薯     2 個
洋蔥 2個
荷蘭韭菜    200g
紅蘿蔔    300g
新鮮巴西利葉   1 小把(約 5 根)
煙燻香腸(rookworst)    1 條
液狀奶油   1 匙
1. 把豌豆、豬肩肉、月桂葉、一半的西洋芹葉子、高湯塊、2 公升的水全丟進一個大鍋裡,加點鹽。
2. 水煮滾後轉小火煮約 45 分鐘。
3. 同時間可以把芹菜根和馬鈴薯去皮切成小塊狀。
4. 把切好的芹菜根和馬鈴薯丟入已經煮了 30 分鐘的湯底裡。
5. 一旁把所有食材切好:洋蔥去皮切碎、荷蘭韭菜洗淨切細環狀、紅蘿蔔去皮切成小塊狀、剩下一半的西洋芹葉和巴西利葉切細碎、香腸切片。
6. 把湯裡的月桂葉、西洋芹葉撈出丟掉,豬肉挑出來切成更小的塊狀,將肥肉和軟骨切除。
7. 另起一鍋將液狀奶油加熱後炒香洋蔥(約 3 分鐘),加入切好的荷蘭韭菜、紅蘿蔔、西洋芹菜葉、巴西利葉、香腸、和切成更小塊的豬肉稍微炒香。
8. 將步驟8的料理加入湯裡,均勻混合。
9. 煮 30 分鐘,如果湯太濃,可以加點水調開。
10. 最後以鹽和胡椒調味。


Dutch cuisine – de Erwtensoep

How are we going to survive from this OMG cold cold winter (week)??? Today Oranje Express is going to introduce you one of the classic Dutch winter cuisine: the Dutch pea soup (de Erwtensoep)!! Different from the other pea soup, Dutch pea soup is famous for its unique thickness (just like a stew I would say…) and cooked by local ingredients. Every Dutch family, well… most Dutch families, enjoys the pea soup during the cold winter time since it is not just a pea soup but the soup filled with all kinds of energy resources!

So now… before we start to introduce the pea soup recipe, according a Dutch mom, the secret to tell whether or not the cup of soup is successful… just stick a table spoon in your soup! If the spoon can stand still without falling in the soup, then… CONGRATULATION! It is a good cup of Erwtensoep!!

Here’s the recipe for all the brave kitchen masters who dare to take the challenge. However, since Erwtensoep is a home dish, every household has their own special recipes. And the following one is just one of them.

For 4 people; about 3 hrs cooking time

300g split peas
400g pork trotter chops
2 bay leaves
8 sprigs celery leaves
3 vegetarian bouillon cubes
200g celeriac (or stick celery)
2 potatoes
2 onions
200g leeks
300g carrot
5 sprigs parsley
1 smoked sausage (rookworst)
1 tbsp Blue Band Liquid (may also be other butter)
salt pepper

1. Put the split peas, pork chops, bay leaves, 4 sprigs of celery leaves, bouillon cubes and 2 liters of water in a pan with some salt.
2. Bring to the boil and simmer for approx 45 minutes on low heat.
3. Meanwhile, peel the celeriac and potatoes and cut them into cubes.
4. After 30 minutes, add them to the peas.
5. Peel and chop the onions. Clean the leeks and cut them into rings. Peel the carrot and cut into cubes. Cut the parsley and the rest of the celery finely. Cut the sausage into slices.
6. Take the meat out from the soup. Remove the fat and the soft bones; cut it into smaller pieces.
7. Remove laulierblaadjes, celery and parsley in the soup.
8. Heat the margarine. Saute the onion about 3 minutes. Stir in leek, carrot, celery, parsley, sausage, meat and soup mixture.
9. Add water if soup is too thick.
10. Cook for about 30 minutes with low fire. Season with salt and pepper.


Please feel more than welcome to share your work with us or introduce us where can we find delicious Erwtensoep!



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