
軟嫩的燉牛肉配上酸甜的燉梨子,是秋天味覺的饗宴(©Cindy Liao 攝影)
烹煮過程其實很簡單,不過需要約莫半天的耐心時間。以下是來自荷蘭媽媽 Marian 提供的家常菜食譜,歡迎喜歡提增自己荷蘭道地性或是喜歡挑戰異國料理的捧油們嘗試看看囉!
1. 首先,去超市或是肉舖買上幾大塊 runderlappen(適合燉的牛肉)。
2. 在肉塊上(盡量不要切)抹上適量鹽和胡椒。
3. 找個有深度的鍋子,熱鍋後放入兩大匙奶油,把牛肉煎到變色。
4. 加水,無須蓋過肉,但大概肉有一半以上是在水裡。
5. 轉小火,加蓋燉煮 5 ~ 6 小時。這期間除了突然想到的時候去翻一翻面之外,其它也就沒什麼事。
6. 煮到肉是一撥就碎,恭喜你!已經好了!
P.s. 荷蘭人通常會保持牛肉一塊的完整性,在上桌的時候讓食用者自己享受隨手用叉子撥一撥牛肉就輕輕地化為一絲一絲的樂趣。
荷式燉西洋梨 Stoofpeertjes
1. 買一大包的新鮮西洋梨(一個人約莫 400 ~ 500 克)。
2. 去皮後洗淨切成四塊,不用等到乾,直接放入煮鍋裡。
3. 蓋上鍋蓋後,在小火上烹煮。(這個階段大概是最需要心思的,要小心梨子不要燒焦,關鍵在於火候的控制,一定要夠小火,然後不定期地撥一撥)
4. 當你發現梨子開始變紅出水時,把火調到微火,或是把鍋子移到電子保溫爐上,讓它在那邊待個 4 小時左右。
5. 微火燉的過程中如果覺得梨子出水到有一種彷彿要變成湯的感覺時,可以把一些水排掉。
6. 差不多等到梨子已透出秋天深橘色時,(以 5 人量來說)加入半杯調過的玉米粉水,1.5 大匙糖,和肉桂粉少許。
7. 熱呼呼的燉西洋梨就大功告成啦!


Dutch cuisine – Stoofpeertjes met suddervlees

While the leaves are turning red, Oranje Express wants to share one classical Dutch autumn cuisine — Stoofpeertjes met suddervlees!! This popular Dutch dish is composed by three important elements that none of it can be missed out: soft peer, soft beef and soft potato.

This is the dish that is not only simple to make (except the unbelievable hours you will need to spend); but also that gives your stomach a solid warmth for the changing, moody and cold days out there. More and more, you can eat the dish in four different ways:
– 3 in 1 all mixed (all-in kind);
– beef mix with potato (classic kind);
– peer mix with beef (adventure kind);
– peer mix with potato (why-not kind).

The recipe here is kindly provided by a Dutch mother, Marian van Es who made the best Dutch dishes in the world (according to me). Big Thanks to Marian! And so… let’s go through this:

Suddervlees – Dutch Beef Stew
For 5 ppl
1. Get yourself some pieces of runderlappen(stewing beef) from the market.
2. Rub the meat with salt and pepper. (Suggestion: Don’t cut the meat into smaller pieces. Leave the fun for latter.)
3. Put the beef in a hot pan with melted butter (3 Spoons).
4. When meat starts to turn brown; turn to low fire; and add some water in the pan until half of the meat is in the watery gravy.
5. Cover the pan up, and cook the meat for 5-6 hours with low fire. (During this time, nothing needs to be done except once a while turn the meat around to cook them evenly.)
6. When the meat is so soft that just with one touch, it falls apart, then you are allowed to yell out “OH YES!!THE MEAT IS DONE!”


Stoofpeertjes – Dutch Peer Stew
1. Get yourself (and the others) some fresh peers from the market. About 400-500 gram per person.
2. Peel them; cut them into 4 pieces and wash them. (Notice: do not dry the peer after the wash).
3. Throw all the peers in one cooking pan, cover it up. Turn the small fire on for 1 hour. (Be aware of not to burn the peers. The keys are the small fire and stirring them once a while)
4. When you notice water starts coming out of peer, and peer starts to turn dark orange, you can turn the fire lower, and leave it for 4-5 hours. (Notice: during this period, if you notice there are too much water coming out of the peers, as if you are bowling soup, scoop some water out of the pan.)
5. When it is about time when the color of peers turn into dark red, you add a half of cup’s water mixed with corn flowers, 1.5 spoon of sugar, and some cinnamon powders in the pan. Stir them until you feel the peer start to get thicker.


You can always make extra peer stews and put them in the fridge for later desert. The peer stew is a wonderful combination with vanilla ice cream. It is so delicious that there is no word to describe it but screams, seriously.

We hope you will enjoy these wonderful autumn dishes and welcome everyone to share their results with us!!!



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