
Credits video: Ong Wei Yee
Credits music: Piotr Kurek – Tonal Colors ; Masayoshi Fujita – Tears of Unicorn | NDR Kultur Neo ; Piotr Kurek – Becoming Light ; bRUNA – track 7
2017年暑假,七位來自國立成功大學的學生得到了前往荷蘭設計公司實習的機會。該實習計畫是由台灣教育部贊助,Taiwan Dutch Design Post執行,吸引了超過40位同學備妥作品集、履歷與英文能力證明申請此實習機會。
設計師Lilian van Stekelenburg與台南的緣分深厚,不僅到訪次數頻繁,更計畫在2017十月的台灣設計展再次拜訪台南。而社會設計工作室的設計師Bron van Doen則預定在2018年年初到台南執行和Taiwan Dutch Design Post所合作的社會設計案子。成大學生張曜辰、徐阡芷和王煒堉即是在以上兩間工作室進行實習,他們即將為Bron van Doen在台南執行的社會設計案子做前期研究、替「循環廟宇」案子找尋合作方並了解與探索循環經濟的原則如何被運用在社會設計裡。
另兩位學生陳冠伶、林雁淳獲得Studio Victoria Ledig提供的實習機會,該工作室設計師Victoria Ledig曾參與2016 臺北世界設計之都設計師駐村交流合作計畫,將廢棄織物化為美麗的手工藝品。王崇瑋同學在Studio Teun Fleskens的工作室實習,設計師Teun Fleskens已與Taiwan Dutch Design Post合作有三年之久;黃薇樺同學則在嘉義設有辦公室與工廠的Dorel Juvenile設計嬰兒車配件。
不過學生們最大的收穫與樂趣還是在這兩個半月中體驗荷蘭當地人的生活,如家人一般同住在恩荷芬的藝術空間Artspace Flipside,一起煮晚餐、談天,偶爾與其他設計師們一起的聚會。房東Sigi Abdoel也很照顧學生們,除了生活起居大小事外,還教女生們拳擊,讓她們在傍晚騎腳踏車回家也不會害怕。只不過,就算能自我防衛但還是抵擋不住荷蘭冷風微雨的夏季呢!

Taiwanese students enjoy their summer internship in the Netherlands.

In the summer of 2017, seven students from the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) from Taiwan got the opportunity to have an internship at a design company in the Netherlands. The program was sponsored by Taiwan Ministry of Education and facilitated by the Taiwan Dutch Design Post. The program was in high demand as over 40 students applied with their portfolio, resume and English proficiency score.

In a long past history, Tainan was a trading post for Dutch, but now it seems a place for Dutch to collaborate on design! Over the past three years, 70 Dutch designers already visited Tainan and NCKU; many keep returning and other designers also plan a visit. Because of this, it was not difficult to find Dutch designers who welcomed students from NCKU.

For example, Lilian van Stekelenburg has visited Taiwan numerous of times already, and had another visit scheduled in October for the Taiwan Design Expo’17. Or ‘Bron van Doen’, who will visit Tainan in early 2018 for a social design project with the Taiwan Dutch Design Post. Both companies shared three students from NCKU: Eddie Chang, Chien-Chih Hsu and Yee Peace. They did research for the social design project, sought collaboration parties for ‘The Circular Temple project’ and explored how social design can go along with ‘circular economy’-principles.

Students Bunny Chen and Emily Lin worked at Studio Victoria Ledig, who did a residency program in Taipei in 2016, on using waste textiles. Ryan Wang worked at Studio Teun Fleskens, who works with the Taiwan Dutch Design Post for 3 years already, on interior products. Viva Huang did her internship at Dorel Juvenile on baby seats; Dorel has an office and factory in Chiayi.

From these international collaborations, it may be clear that the internship is not something that stands on its self. This is a growing friendship between Dutch and Taiwanese on design!

But does anyone really think seven students come to the Netherlands only to work, work and work? Of course not! At any moment of spare time, they travelled to vibrant cities and a beautiful countryside such as the Biesbosch nature park and Giethoorn. The Dutch summer is also full of interesting cultural events, like the Gay pride in Amsterdam for example. The students were quite surprised to see gay ánd straight people dressed in pink to celebrate their freedom in sexual orientation.

But, maybe the biggest fun and life-lesson for the Taiwanese students was really living like a Dutch for two and a half months. They became an international family in their home at Artspace Flipside in Eindhoven. This is a lovely place for cooking together, playing and an occasional party with many designer friends. Their landlord Sigi Abdoel took good care of them. He taught students how to repair their bicycles and even introduced them to a self-defense class. With the acquired fighting skills the Taiwanese girls were not afraid anymore to ride their bicycles alone in the evening. Well, not afraid for bad people, but still afraid of the wind and rain that can be a quite cold, even in the Dutch summer!




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