Gerard Jasperse–以在地傳統工藝、多媒體說東印度公司的故事

Credits film: Planett 
荷蘭設計師Gerard Jasperse多年前畢業於恩荷芬的DEA設計學院,經由Taiwan Dutch Design Post(台灣荷蘭設計聚落)的邀請來到台南進行設計合作專案。在這2個月間,Gerard沉浸於台灣傳統工藝與台南豐富的歷史文化無法自拔。
Gerard Jasperse的作品是屬於一種敘述形式的設計,這些作品都與歷史相關並以說故事的方式呈現,設計核心是與發生在世界各地與荷蘭(被遺忘)的歷史相關,個案中不乏在台灣或印度等地的國際共同合作專案。對於Gerard Jasperse的作品最好的詮釋應該就是「以歷史為基礎的設計」:結合當地歷史與美學、素材、顏色與工藝技巧,大多可呈現該地方的特性。Gerard Jasperse認為,運用這些要素結合當地歷史所產生的作品才是真正在地設計,結合在地技術與視覺化在地歷史故事才能做出完美的作品。
Gerard Jasperse也曾三次應邀參觀台南Taiwan Dutch Design Post、成大創意基地台南應用科大。他以荷蘭東印度貿易公司(V.O.C.) 四百年前遠航台南的史料為本,在古都府城進行視覺創作。荷蘭東印度貿易公司是剝削寶島台灣的侵略者?抑或第一個將台灣帶向文明的外來者?不同的觀點和描述方法,各自為歷史帶來不同的面相。
這個跨國合作的設計專案原是研究個案,但其情境故事帶動歷史的設計方式,卻也促成了在地的工匠和產業共同的合作,Gerard希望以結合工藝、多媒體和觀光的方式為故事情境找出新的方法。目前 Jasperse 已經到訪台灣三次,並計畫持續進行這項專案至2024年,屆時也為荷蘭來台400週年。

Gerard Jasperse Taiwan-Dutch V.O.C history and Tainan crafts

Gerard Jasperse is a Dutch designer who graduated a few years ago from the Design Academy in Eindhoven. The Taiwan Dutch Design Post invited him over for design collaboration in Tainan. For two months he emerged himself into the local traditional crafts and rich history in Tainan.

Gerard Jasperse works in a narrative way of designing, many of his projects relate to history and storytelling in one way or another. Central in his work are projects relating to Dutch (forgotten) history around the world and participating in international collaboration-projects such as in Taiwan and India. His way of working can best be described as ‘history-based-designing’, which connects local history with local aesthetics. Materials, colors and techniques are most of the times unique for a certain area. Using those aspects together with local history can result in products that are truly local. The ideal end product is a combination of local techniques visualizing a local story.

Gerard Jasperse visited Tainan already three times, on invitation of the Taiwan Dutch Design Post (C-Hub) and Tainan University of Technology. His visits took about 1 month each and during that time he worked on visualizing the history of the Dutch East India trading Company V.O.C which came to Tainan four centuries ago. Were they invaders to exploit Formosa, or were they the first to make a developed civilization in Taiwan? History can be written from many perspectives and in many methods.

Gerard Jasperse narrated on the Dutch in Taiwan via crafted products in traditional Taiwanese manners. From 1624 to 1662 the Dutch V.O.C. set up a trading post in Tainan. For 38 years the Dutch ruled over the island Formosa, until this was brought to an end by Koxinga. The Dutch and Taiwanese have mixed perspectives on this turn in history. Gerard Jasperse wants to hear both sides and narrates the history via his product designs.

The first series of prototype explorations consisted of many samples, sketches and puppets next to some more elaborate products. These products related to Taiwanese culture of today and made connections with the traditions of puppetry, temples and parades.-Hand puppets are typically objects that can be used to visualize different stories. In this case puppets of a Dutch merchant and Zheng Cheng Gong allow the history to be told from both Dutch and Taiwanese side.

-Embroidery hangings explore a more static view on history with images of Dutch ships and skies translated to the unique way of Taiwanese embroidery with shiny yarns and a 3d effect.

-Dutch Big Nose is a first step in creating a new character for street celebrations or parades. The character refers to Dutch heritage in a more subtle way and is more intended for new events or touristic activities. Back in the 17th century the Dutch people were either called ‘big noses’ or ‘red haired barbarians’. Since so many shops or companies in Taiwan have some kind of character around it seemed like a local thing to create a character to attract attention to historic events.

This project which started as a research project and turned into an ongoing exploration of storytelling in design and collaborations with local craftsmen and industry. The goal is to find new ways of storytelling, involving crafts, multimedia and tourism. Jasperse visited Taiwan already three times and plans to keep working on the project towards 2024, the 400 year anniversary of the Dutch coming to Taiwan.




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